OHYS 200 Hour Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training
with Jennifer Haas
Group or Private, Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher Training
Current Group Session: July 9th - October 3, 2021
*Private Training: At your own pace, 1 year maximum for completion of all 200 hour requirements (contact us directly for full details)
Are you ready to take your yoga practice to the next level? Join us for Open Heart Yoga Studio’s 200 hour Yoga Alliance approved Vinyasa Yoga teacher training program. We’ll journey through Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras as a guide to deepening your connection to your self, your personal yoga practice, and your understanding of teaching a traditional functional, and safe yoga class.
The Training:
Through the system of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the 8 Limbs of the Ashtanga yoga method, this training includes all aspects of teaching yoga.
You will gain a deep insight to traditional philosophy, anatomy, function, and movement through guided as well as self practice. You will be introduced to the historical readings and Sanskrit terminology of the Ashtanga vinyasa yoga method as well as all of the asanas of the primary series. You will develop an understanding of the function and purpose of each of the poses and their relationship to many other postures in various categories. These categories include standing, balancing, inverted poses, forward and back bending, lateral flexion, and rotation. You will learn to practice and teach safe, healthy movements and modifications in a group and one on one, that support the unique capabilities and body types of your students. With an understanding of what the poses do to and for the body, you will then learn through a repeatable methodology, how to teach poses, using your voice and language for precise cues and instruction. Practicing teaching is how you will find your voice and your own personal style. You will develop an understanding of if, how, and when to offer props or safe hands on adjustments or both for additional assistance. The role of the nervous system, the energetic body including the fascia connective tissue system, chakras and their relationship to the Shushumna and Nadis will be discussed, and understanding of how to include this as a part of your daily practice and meditation will also be included.
This training will help enrich your understanding of the role of pranayama, the different types, and the central role it plays in asana and meditation. Throughout the entire training there will be an emphasis on meditation practice, and an opportunity to learn more about mudras and chanting. The ethics of yoga teaching, marketing, and building your brand as a teacher will help to round out the professional and business aspects of teaching as you continue your yoga journey forward.
Upon completion:
You will accumulate ~153 classroom hours, ~26 self practice hours, ~13 Observation hours, with the remaining 8 hours for additional meditation, self practice, and self study = 200 Hours
You will receive your Open Heart Yoga Studio 200 hour YTT certification approved by the Yoga Alliance.
You will have developed and deepened your self practice skills and knowledge.
You will have gained a deeper understanding and knowledge of asanas, variations, and their benefits.
You will have deepened your knowledge of yoga philosophy and lifestyle practices.
You will have learned how to create and deliver safe, well-rounded, effective classes to students of varying and unique body types.
You will understand the business and ethics of yoga teaching
Yoga practitioner for a minimum of 1 year with a consistent practice
Complete Teacher Training Application and submit (request application at [email protected])
If you're taking advantage of the flexible payment option, a $250 fee + first payment will be due before the first day of training.
Course Requirements:
Attendance of full course. Online attendance is accepted in the event you can not attend in person, however this is not an online training.
Daily self practice and attendance of a minimum of 2 in-studio classes per week (can be different styles of yoga; these 2 weekly classes are included with training tuition). Please have instructor sign sheet. The 2 required in studio weekly classes (or 24 classes total) must be consumed prior to the last day of training. These classes can be with any teacher at Open Heart Yoga Studio.
Supervised Class Observation: minimum 10 classes
Supervised assisting and adjusting: upon completion of each group of asanas
Supervised practice teaching: gain experience and develop your teaching style and voice with your fellow trainees, building the confidence you need through practicing the teachings and constructive feedback.
Completion of all exams and assignments
Teach 2 classes to a group or to the lead instructor: upon completion of the course material, each student will create and deliver a 45-60 minute Ashtanga Vinyasa style class following the sequence and cadence of the Ashtanga method, and 30-45 minute gentler style flow class, including options with props for students of varying body types.
*For PRIVATE teacher training, all 200 hour requirements must be completed within 1 year of the start date.
Group Tuition:
$2995 when paid in full
Flexible Financing available:
4 equal payments + $100 financing fee
or 5 equal payments, plus $150 financing fee
Private Tuition:
Please email or call us directly.
email: [email protected]
Suggested Reading or Listening and Reference:
“The Tree of Yoga”, BKS Iyengar; Shambala Books, Boston
“Light on Yoga”, BKS Iyengar; Shambala Books, Boston
“The Language of Yoga”, Nicolai Bachman; Sounds True, Boulder CO
“The Path of the Yoga Sutras”, Nicolai Bachman; Sounds True, Boulder, CO
“Anatomy of Hatha Yoga”, A Manual for Students, Teachers, and Practitioners, H. David Coulter; Body and Breath, Honesdale, PA
“The Yoga of the Yogi”, The Legacy of T. Krishnamacharya, Kausthub Desikachar; Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai, India
“Ashtanga Yoga”, The Practice Manual, David Swenson; Ashtanga Yoga Productions, Houston, Texas
“Functional Anatomy of Yoga”, A Guide for Practitioners and Teachers; David Keil, Lotus Publishing, Chichester, England
The Training:
Through the system of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and the 8 Limbs of the Ashtanga yoga method, this training includes all aspects of teaching yoga.
You will gain a deep insight to traditional philosophy, anatomy, function, and movement through guided as well as self practice. You will be introduced to the historical readings and Sanskrit terminology of the Ashtanga vinyasa yoga method as well as all of the asanas of the primary series. You will develop an understanding of the function and purpose of each of the poses and their relationship to many other postures in various categories. These categories include standing, balancing, inverted poses, forward and back bending, lateral flexion, and rotation. You will learn to practice and teach safe, healthy movements and modifications in a group and one on one, that support the unique capabilities and body types of your students. With an understanding of what the poses do to and for the body, you will then learn through a repeatable methodology, how to teach poses, using your voice and language for precise cues and instruction. Practicing teaching is how you will find your voice and your own personal style. You will develop an understanding of if, how, and when to offer props or safe hands on adjustments or both for additional assistance. The role of the nervous system, the energetic body including the fascia connective tissue system, chakras and their relationship to the Shushumna and Nadis will be discussed, and understanding of how to include this as a part of your daily practice and meditation will also be included.
This training will help enrich your understanding of the role of pranayama, the different types, and the central role it plays in asana and meditation. Throughout the entire training there will be an emphasis on meditation practice, and an opportunity to learn more about mudras and chanting. The ethics of yoga teaching, marketing, and building your brand as a teacher will help to round out the professional and business aspects of teaching as you continue your yoga journey forward.
Upon completion:
You will accumulate ~153 classroom hours, ~26 self practice hours, ~13 Observation hours, with the remaining 8 hours for additional meditation, self practice, and self study = 200 Hours
You will receive your Open Heart Yoga Studio 200 hour YTT certification approved by the Yoga Alliance.
You will have developed and deepened your self practice skills and knowledge.
You will have gained a deeper understanding and knowledge of asanas, variations, and their benefits.
You will have deepened your knowledge of yoga philosophy and lifestyle practices.
You will have learned how to create and deliver safe, well-rounded, effective classes to students of varying and unique body types.
You will understand the business and ethics of yoga teaching
Yoga practitioner for a minimum of 1 year with a consistent practice
Complete Teacher Training Application and submit (request application at [email protected])
If you're taking advantage of the flexible payment option, a $250 fee + first payment will be due before the first day of training.
Course Requirements:
Attendance of full course. Online attendance is accepted in the event you can not attend in person, however this is not an online training.
Daily self practice and attendance of a minimum of 2 in-studio classes per week (can be different styles of yoga; these 2 weekly classes are included with training tuition). Please have instructor sign sheet. The 2 required in studio weekly classes (or 24 classes total) must be consumed prior to the last day of training. These classes can be with any teacher at Open Heart Yoga Studio.
Supervised Class Observation: minimum 10 classes
Supervised assisting and adjusting: upon completion of each group of asanas
Supervised practice teaching: gain experience and develop your teaching style and voice with your fellow trainees, building the confidence you need through practicing the teachings and constructive feedback.
Completion of all exams and assignments
Teach 2 classes to a group or to the lead instructor: upon completion of the course material, each student will create and deliver a 45-60 minute Ashtanga Vinyasa style class following the sequence and cadence of the Ashtanga method, and 30-45 minute gentler style flow class, including options with props for students of varying body types.
*For PRIVATE teacher training, all 200 hour requirements must be completed within 1 year of the start date.
Group Tuition:
$2995 when paid in full
Flexible Financing available:
4 equal payments + $100 financing fee
or 5 equal payments, plus $150 financing fee
Private Tuition:
Please email or call us directly.
email: [email protected]
Suggested Reading or Listening and Reference:
“The Tree of Yoga”, BKS Iyengar; Shambala Books, Boston
“Light on Yoga”, BKS Iyengar; Shambala Books, Boston
“The Language of Yoga”, Nicolai Bachman; Sounds True, Boulder CO
“The Path of the Yoga Sutras”, Nicolai Bachman; Sounds True, Boulder, CO
“Anatomy of Hatha Yoga”, A Manual for Students, Teachers, and Practitioners, H. David Coulter; Body and Breath, Honesdale, PA
“The Yoga of the Yogi”, The Legacy of T. Krishnamacharya, Kausthub Desikachar; Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram, Chennai, India
“Ashtanga Yoga”, The Practice Manual, David Swenson; Ashtanga Yoga Productions, Houston, Texas
“Functional Anatomy of Yoga”, A Guide for Practitioners and Teachers; David Keil, Lotus Publishing, Chichester, England
A Journey into Stillness: A 40 Hour Functional and Restorative Yin Yoga Training
with Jennifer Haas
(Group or Private Training Available)
This is a Yoga Alliance approved course for a certificate for 40 CEU's
Private Yin Yoga Teacher Training: Contact me directly for pricing and to schedule (all private Yin training hours must be completed within 6 months of the start date)
Group Tuition $695
"A Journey into Stillness” is a 40 hour, 2 weekend program designed for yoga teachers and dedicated practitioners with at least 1 year of yoga experience (all levels). Prior experience in Yin or Restorative yoga is not required but an open heart and mind, and a desire to learn is.
The Training:
Unique and informative - this training combines 30 hours of philosophy, anatomy, physiology, teaching methodology, personal reflection, guided insight, and practice. The remaining 10 hours are required reading and in studio Yin or Restorative yoga practice. This program is designed to help yoga teachers and students understand the benefits of Yin and Restorative Yoga practices, and the balance these methods help to cultivate within your body, physically, energetically, mentally and emotionally.
The first weekend will be focused on understanding a functional versus aesthetic approach to yoga, exploring the differences between Yin and Restorative style yoga methods, their philosophies, human anatomy and physiology foundations, exploring the subtle body, meridians, and connective tissues (the joints, tendons and ligaments).
The second weekend will bring all of that inward; taking all the information we covered and adding on breath work, meditation, self discovery and personal study, bringing it into the practice of teaching towards stillness. We will explore teaching methodology and the archetype poses commonly practiced in Yin and Restorative yoga methods, their modifications and contraindications. We will focus on the intention of the postures, specifically how they make us feel rather than how we look as we explore skeletal variation, intention, and the use of props for support and surrender.
Upon completion:
Upon completion of the course and the requirements, including the final exam, and the final teaching trial, you will have earned the ability to confidently guide well rounded Yin & Restorative style yoga classes, and you will be certified with an additional 40 Yoga Alliance approved education credit hours.
40 CEU Hours Total
-30 In Class Training Hours
-6 Practice Hours
-4 Personal Study Hours
-2 Quizzes
-1 Final
-1 trial teaching
Please contact us directly with any questions you may have regarding the training or for more specific details.
The Training:
Unique and informative - this training combines 30 hours of philosophy, anatomy, physiology, teaching methodology, personal reflection, guided insight, and practice. The remaining 10 hours are required reading and in studio Yin or Restorative yoga practice. This program is designed to help yoga teachers and students understand the benefits of Yin and Restorative Yoga practices, and the balance these methods help to cultivate within your body, physically, energetically, mentally and emotionally.
The first weekend will be focused on understanding a functional versus aesthetic approach to yoga, exploring the differences between Yin and Restorative style yoga methods, their philosophies, human anatomy and physiology foundations, exploring the subtle body, meridians, and connective tissues (the joints, tendons and ligaments).
The second weekend will bring all of that inward; taking all the information we covered and adding on breath work, meditation, self discovery and personal study, bringing it into the practice of teaching towards stillness. We will explore teaching methodology and the archetype poses commonly practiced in Yin and Restorative yoga methods, their modifications and contraindications. We will focus on the intention of the postures, specifically how they make us feel rather than how we look as we explore skeletal variation, intention, and the use of props for support and surrender.
Upon completion:
Upon completion of the course and the requirements, including the final exam, and the final teaching trial, you will have earned the ability to confidently guide well rounded Yin & Restorative style yoga classes, and you will be certified with an additional 40 Yoga Alliance approved education credit hours.
40 CEU Hours Total
-30 In Class Training Hours
-6 Practice Hours
-4 Personal Study Hours
-2 Quizzes
-1 Final
-1 trial teaching
Please contact us directly with any questions you may have regarding the training or for more specific details.
with Eva Montalvo
February 19-20, 2022
5 or 10 CEU's
Tuition: Day 1only $175
Tuition Both Days: $295
Register HERE
This training is designed for yoga teachers and fitness professionals who want to expand their knowledge to teaching students who can benefit from chair-assisted movement. This includes seniors or others with limited mobility - anyone who is not comfortable or able to get up and down from a floor mat. Non-professionals can also learn basics of yogic movement and breathing to use in their personal practice. At the completion of this training you will gain knowledge of chair yoga poses, cueing variations and sequencing, and breathing techniques. On day 1 we will explore seated poses that address movement of all joints of the body from head to toe, and basic breathing techniques. We will discuss basic anatomy and alignment as affected by aging or illness. A basic seated sun salutation flow template will be provided.
On day 2 we will delve into modifications for various physical conditions and limitations, how to assess when this is needed, and how to teach groups of various levels of mobility. We will explore use of props (blocks, straps, etc.), more complex sequences, standing poses, and balance work. We will also discuss a few aspects of the business of chair yoga: who needs chair yoga, how to start a class in a non-traditional setting, when to incorporate into private client sessions, how payment works, etc.
About Eva:
Eva Montalvo is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT200), and is certified in Advanced Chair Yoga, and SilverSneakers Yoga and Stability. She has been teaching chair yoga since 2015, and currently teaches chair yoga classes in many communities throughout Palm Beach County. Her chair yoga training included study of the Anatomy of Aging and Movement, and she has conducted additional research and training in balance, stability, yoga for a healthy brain, and yoga for Parkinsons.
Eva's mission is to inspire adults to live more energetically and vibrantly by helping them incorporate simple changes in their lifestyle, especially in learning how to move and breathe to connect to their body through yoga. She believes strongly in making yoga available for EVERY BODY and specializes in working with beginners and older adults.
Tuition Both Days: $295
Register HERE
This training is designed for yoga teachers and fitness professionals who want to expand their knowledge to teaching students who can benefit from chair-assisted movement. This includes seniors or others with limited mobility - anyone who is not comfortable or able to get up and down from a floor mat. Non-professionals can also learn basics of yogic movement and breathing to use in their personal practice. At the completion of this training you will gain knowledge of chair yoga poses, cueing variations and sequencing, and breathing techniques. On day 1 we will explore seated poses that address movement of all joints of the body from head to toe, and basic breathing techniques. We will discuss basic anatomy and alignment as affected by aging or illness. A basic seated sun salutation flow template will be provided.
On day 2 we will delve into modifications for various physical conditions and limitations, how to assess when this is needed, and how to teach groups of various levels of mobility. We will explore use of props (blocks, straps, etc.), more complex sequences, standing poses, and balance work. We will also discuss a few aspects of the business of chair yoga: who needs chair yoga, how to start a class in a non-traditional setting, when to incorporate into private client sessions, how payment works, etc.
About Eva:
Eva Montalvo is an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT200), and is certified in Advanced Chair Yoga, and SilverSneakers Yoga and Stability. She has been teaching chair yoga since 2015, and currently teaches chair yoga classes in many communities throughout Palm Beach County. Her chair yoga training included study of the Anatomy of Aging and Movement, and she has conducted additional research and training in balance, stability, yoga for a healthy brain, and yoga for Parkinsons.
Eva's mission is to inspire adults to live more energetically and vibrantly by helping them incorporate simple changes in their lifestyle, especially in learning how to move and breathe to connect to their body through yoga. She believes strongly in making yoga available for EVERY BODY and specializes in working with beginners and older adults.
Open Heart Yoga Studio, Inc. is not affiliated with any "Open Heart" yoga, wellness, or fitness studio in the United States or internationally.
Established 2018.
Established 2018.
Open Heart Yoga Studio, Inc.