Private Yoga Classes
60-75 Minute Personalized Classes
Proudly Offering
Sound Healing
Yoga Nidra
Pranayama (Breath Work)
Chakra Balancing
Ayurvedic Nutritional Consulting
Sound Healing
Yoga Nidra
Pranayama (Breath Work)
Chakra Balancing
Ayurvedic Nutritional Consulting
Private yoga or small group yoga offers a personal touch to your unique practice needs. With private yoga, you'll receive individual attention, guidance, and support, either on line or at your location of choice. Together, we will create a practice tailored for your unique personal goals, to bring you a joyful, relaxing, and highly effective private yoga class that benefits you on and off the mat.
For private yoga and the healing that comes with it to be truly effective, it is recommended, that a regular practice is established.
Why Private Yoga Instruction?
For private yoga and the healing that comes with it to be truly effective, it is recommended, that a regular practice is established.
Why Private Yoga Instruction?
- Trying Yoga for the first time, and want more information
- Prefer a greater level of guidance or more personalized experience
- Want to ask questions about yoga practices
- Prefer individual attention to alignment and breathing
- Want to learn about philosophy, relaxation or meditation
- Curious about deeper levels, would like to expand knowledge base
- Interested in focusing on a particular pose or group of poses
- Need to learn how to modify poses for your body or work more skillfully with (non-acute) injury
- Want to feel more confident in group setting
- Busy schedule, just want to set your own class times
- Established practitioners feeling stuck in their practice and in need of personalized input
- Need help creating a structure for personal practice
- Recently graduated YTT looking for additional guidance finding your voice, sequencing, anatomy, yoga philosophy, assisting & adjusting, Chakras, meditation, and more
What is Sound Healing?
During a sound healing session, also known as a sound bath, you will move through very gentle yoga postures, breath work, and set an intention to prepare your mind and body to experience a variety of sounds and soothing vibrations through chanting, quartz crystal singing bowls, Solfeggio tuning forks, crystal pyramids, chimes, and more.
Vibrational sound healing is an experience you need to feel and hear. It encourages relaxation and wellness, offering the sensation of a full body massage, soothing the nervous system and balancing the 2 hemispheres of the brain. During this experience, tonal instruments will be placed around and on your body that create a combination of tones and vibrations that produce a state of tranquility for the mind, body, and spirit. You will be guided through skillful breathing (Pranayama) and meditation techniques like Yoga Nidra, the yoga of sleep, to create the ultimate experience of bliss.
Leave your practice with a deeply relaxed, connected, grounded, clear, light, and with a sense of calm throughout your entire being that lingers with you for many days afterwards.
Important contraindications for Sound Healing / Sound Bath:
Please let me know if you have any metal in your body, a pace-maker, or are pregnant. For these students, instruments should not be placed on the surface of the body, only near by.
What is Chakra Balancing?
Chakra Balancing is a healing practice that focuses on channelling energy into the seven chakras or energy centers along the spine. When we talk about balancing chakras we are referring to your energetic body. The most effective way to balance chakras is through mediations that focus on the seed sounds or mantra of each of the 7 energetic centers of the body. Affirmations are paired with the sounds along with vibrations from one of the many healing instruments to fully integrate a mind and body experience.
What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga Nidra is a gentle and specific guided method of moving your awareness into a deep state of rest while remaining alert. Different from meditation, yoga Nidra happens in the Alpha state of consciousness (sometimes Theta state too) and encourages a non-sleep deep rest, where the mind and body are fully relaxed, and consciousness is alert. Yoga Nidra incorporates intention, meditation, affirmation, body-sensing, subtle breath work, as well as working with feelings, emotions and guided imagery. When practiced regularly, people experience calmer thoughts, lower blood pressure, increased immunity, more restful sleep, improved memory, reduced chronic and acute pain, and a lift in overall well being.
During a sound healing session, also known as a sound bath, you will move through very gentle yoga postures, breath work, and set an intention to prepare your mind and body to experience a variety of sounds and soothing vibrations through chanting, quartz crystal singing bowls, Solfeggio tuning forks, crystal pyramids, chimes, and more.
Vibrational sound healing is an experience you need to feel and hear. It encourages relaxation and wellness, offering the sensation of a full body massage, soothing the nervous system and balancing the 2 hemispheres of the brain. During this experience, tonal instruments will be placed around and on your body that create a combination of tones and vibrations that produce a state of tranquility for the mind, body, and spirit. You will be guided through skillful breathing (Pranayama) and meditation techniques like Yoga Nidra, the yoga of sleep, to create the ultimate experience of bliss.
Leave your practice with a deeply relaxed, connected, grounded, clear, light, and with a sense of calm throughout your entire being that lingers with you for many days afterwards.
Important contraindications for Sound Healing / Sound Bath:
Please let me know if you have any metal in your body, a pace-maker, or are pregnant. For these students, instruments should not be placed on the surface of the body, only near by.
What is Chakra Balancing?
Chakra Balancing is a healing practice that focuses on channelling energy into the seven chakras or energy centers along the spine. When we talk about balancing chakras we are referring to your energetic body. The most effective way to balance chakras is through mediations that focus on the seed sounds or mantra of each of the 7 energetic centers of the body. Affirmations are paired with the sounds along with vibrations from one of the many healing instruments to fully integrate a mind and body experience.
What is Yoga Nidra?
Yoga Nidra is a gentle and specific guided method of moving your awareness into a deep state of rest while remaining alert. Different from meditation, yoga Nidra happens in the Alpha state of consciousness (sometimes Theta state too) and encourages a non-sleep deep rest, where the mind and body are fully relaxed, and consciousness is alert. Yoga Nidra incorporates intention, meditation, affirmation, body-sensing, subtle breath work, as well as working with feelings, emotions and guided imagery. When practiced regularly, people experience calmer thoughts, lower blood pressure, increased immunity, more restful sleep, improved memory, reduced chronic and acute pain, and a lift in overall well being.
Let's co-create your private one on one or small group yoga practice today!
Private Yoga classes are available at your home, or at private studio locations.
Available for evenings and weekend privates only.
Please contact me directly for more details
[email protected]
Private Yoga classes are available at your home, or at private studio locations.
Available for evenings and weekend privates only.
Please contact me directly for more details
[email protected]
Open Heart Yoga Studio, Inc. is not affiliated with any "Open Heart" yoga, wellness, or fitness studio in the United States or internationally.
Established 2018.
Established 2018.
Open Heart Yoga Studio, Inc.